Thị Phương Hải Đỗ , Thị Thu Hương Phạm

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Objectives: To measure treatment adherence among outpatients of type II diabetes mellitus with chronic kidney disease at the Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital in 2023. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on  170 outpatients of type 2 diabetes with chronic kidney disease to assess their treatment adherence, using a pretested, structured questionnaire containing 5 adherence groups: medication adherence, nutrition adherence, physical exercise adherence, blood sugar monitoring adherence, follow-up examinations adherence.  The SPSS 20.0 program was used for all the analyses that follow. Numbers and percentages were used to categorize the variables. Results: The follow-up examinations adherence was highest (91.2%). Adherence to medication (65.3%), exercise adherence (63.5%) were relatively higher than other domains such as nutrition adherence (35.3%), blood sugar monitoring compliance (27.6%). Conclusion: Health workers need to advise patients to improve treatment adherence, especially blood sugar monitoring adherence and nutrition adherence.

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