Bùi Việt Dũng, Đỗ Xuân Thắng

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Background: Analyzing business results of pharmaceutical enterprises is necessary to recognize the positive point and some limitations for taking solutions for the business development in the coming years. Accordingly, it is necessary to analyze the business results of Xuan Hoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd in 2017-2018. Subjects and methods: medicinal products, functional foods of Xuan Hoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in 2017 and 2018. Research method: retrospective cross-sectional description. Result: Revenue of Xuan Hoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd in 2018 with 50 products reached 122,598 billion VND, making up 87.61 percent in 2017 with 47 products (approximately 139,925 billion VND). The sales of pharmaceutical and chemical drugs in 2018 with 48 products was VND 116,768 billion, accounting for 87.3 percent, lower than in 2017 (VND 134,784 billion). Revenue focused on the number of key chemical drugs namely eye, ear, nose and throat medicine, reached VND 28,583 billion in 2018, lower than 2017 (sales reached VND 39,932 billion). Then, the anti-infection with 5 products made a profit of VND 24,754 billion in 2018, increased to 2017 (VND 15,224 billion). In 2017, there were 45 products with sales of 130.899 billion VND, accounting for 93.5%, in 2018 there were 47 products with revenue of 113,586 billion VND. For the group of imported goods in 2017 with 2 products, the sales was at 9,026 billion VND, accounting for 4% of total revenue. In 2018 there were 3 products with the value of 9,012 billion VND, accounting for 6% of total revenue. Profit and profit margin reached the lowest level in 2018 compared to 2017. Return on sales (ROS) was low at 0.01% in 2018. Return on equity (ROE) of the company in 2018 reached 0.11%. Conclusion: The company should seek more sources of products with competitive advantages to increase efficient activities in the following years.

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