Văn Tùng Nguyễn, Thế Anh Nguyễn, Văn Hướng Nguyễn, Thị Ích Nguyễn

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Cerebral infarction is always a topical issue in medicine because it is a common, global disease, has a high mortality rate, leaves many serious sequelae, and is a burden for families and society. For the purpose of clinical research and magnetic resonance imaging in vertebrobasilar cerebral infarction, we conducted research on the topic: "Clinical features and magnetic resonance imaging of acute cerebral infarction of the vertebrobasilar artery system". Research shows that the average age of the disease is 66.7 ± 12.02, and the most common location of damage is in the pons (22.73%), and severe prognostic factors include consciousness disorders (p=0.000), pupil abnormalities (p=0.031), swallowing disorders (p=0.042), speech disorders (p=0.002), there is an association between pc-Aspect score and NIHSS score (p= 0.000), conscious status (p=0.000) and Rankin score at discharge (p=0.047). Research methodology: a discriptive cross-sectional study. Conclusion: Severe prognostic factors include consciousness disorders, pupil abnormalities, swallowing disorders, speech disorders, and low pc-Aspect scores.

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