Thị Minh Lê, Thị Bình Lê

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Prospective descriptive study on 78 patients with hypertension and diabetes treated as outpatients at Hanoi Traditional Medicine General Hospital in 2023. Objectives: (1) Describe treatment compliance of hypertensive patients with diabetes at Hanoi Traditional Medicine General Hospital in 2023. (2) Analyze some factors related to compliance treatment of the patient. Collected data shows that: women (61.5%) have a higher rate than men. The age of research subjects ≥ 70 years old accounts for the highest 50%. Occupation: retired (44.9%) and the lowest rate is farming, accounting for 6.4%. Regarding qualifications: the highest proportion is intermediate/college (59%). The highest duration of hypertension with diabetes is ≤ 5 years (82.1%). Patients with knowledge about hypertension index was 69.2%; have knowledge about the glycemic index of 51.3%. Have knowledge about eating lots of green vegetables and fruits: 80.8%. Having knowledge about exercising for 30 - 60 minutes a day accounts for 51.3%. Having correct knowledge about: using blood pressure medication and changing lifestyle is 69.2%; Continuous, long-term use of antihypertensive drugs is 70.5%; only taking it when you see high blood pressure is 26.9%. Understanding the principle that diabetes treatment requires both medication and lifestyle changes is 67.9%; 70.5% understand that when using diabetes medication, they need to take it continuously and long-term. Having knowledge about complications of stroke is 69.2%; blurred vision is 43.6%; heart failure is 39.7%. The risk of vascular complications is 20.5%. Having knowledge about blood pressure control (measured daily/ weekly/monthly) is 75.6% and having knowledge about controlling blood sugar (measured daily/ weekly/monthly) is 53.8%. Having knowledge about follow-up examinations according to doctor's appointments accounts for 75.6%. General assessment of patient knowledge: 66.7% met, 33.3% unsatisfactory general knowledge. Regarding practice: having regular health check-ups once a month is quite high (70.5%); The frequency of daily BP measurement is 33.3% and patients only measure BP when dizziness, lightheadedness, headache... also accounts for 23.1%. There are 39.7% who measure blood sugar daily, and only do blood sugar tests when tired, accounting for 21.8%. Having regular physical exercise is 75.6%. Having the practice of taking blood pressure medication continuously for a long time is 88.5%; and the practice of taking medicine to lower blood sugar continuously accounts for 88.5%. The overall assessment of satisfactory practice in terms of treatment compliance is 52.6%, and unsatisfactory is 47.4%. Assessment of general treatment compliance of hypertensive patients with diabetes: +High compliance is 61.5%. + Average compliance is 32.1%. + Low compliance is 6.4%. There is a relationship between occupation, between patients' knowledge of complications of hypertension and knowledge of complications of diabetes and treatment compliance (p<0.05).

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