Thị Hồng Anh Nguyễn , Thị Thùy Dung Phạm , Quỳnh Trang Lưu

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Background: After the COVID-19 pandemic, smartphone overuse is a prominent problem among young people, especially nursing students. Many studies show that the rate of anxiety and depression in students is increasing, leading to a need for information about this issue. Objective: Describe the current situation of smartphone overuse among Nursing students; and the relationship between smartphone overuse and the anxiety and depression of the above mentioned students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 248 nursing students at two universities. Data were collected based on a self-completed questionnaire including demographic information, the SAS-SV smartphone overuse scale, and the DASS-21 anxiety and depression assessment scale. Results: Nursing students at two universities had a high rate of e-mail overuse, accounting for 62.9%, of which 2nd year students had the highest overuse rate (35.9%). The rates of anxiety and depression in this group of students are 75.8% and 89%, respectively. There is a statistically significant relationship between smart phone overuse and anxiety when students who abuse smart phones have an anxiety rate 2.5 times higher than the group that does not abuse smart phones. There was no association between signs of depression and smartphone overuse in this study. Conclusion: Smartphone overuse and anxiety and depression are concerns among nursing students. Universities should have appropriate activities to reduce the rate of smart phone overuse among students and find solutions to limit anxiety and depression.

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