Thị Lan Anh Nguyễn , Văn Đồng Trịnh , Thị Thúy Ngân Nguyễn

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Objective: To evaluation relationship between shock index with other indices predicting the severity of trauma: RTS, ISS, lactat, BE. Materials and method: 82 patients diagnosed with polytrauma (without traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury) were admitted to the emergency operating room within the first 24 hours of injury. We determined the mean, correlation between the shock index at the time of admission with RTS, ISS, blood lactate and BE (base excess) concentrations. Result: The shock index showed a positive correlation, of moderate strength, with the ISS score at the time of admission (r=0.37,p < 0.05). The shock index was inversely correlated with the RTS score, with a tight degree of correlation (r= -0.54, p < 0.05). Additionally, the shock index exhibited a positive correlation with blood lactate levels (r=0.68, p < 0.05). The mean shock index in patients with ISS 25-40 was 1.03 ± 0.28; RTS ≤ 9 was 1.77±0.54; lactat >2mmol/l was 1.20±0.36; BE ≤ -6 was 1.37 ± 0.4. Conclusion: The shock index showed positive correlation with ISS and blood lactat, inversely correlation with RTS and blood BE.

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