Thị Thu Hậu Nguyễn, Kiến Vũ Trần , Quốc Trung La, Quốc Thắng Bùi

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Purpose: This research aims to determine the incidence of inpatient diseases at Tra Vinh Provincial General Hospital from 2017 to 2021, based on a retrospective study of the classification of disease groups according to ICD-10. Results: In the period 2017-2021, 243.865 inpatients were treated, the average age was 51 years-old, and 85,27% had health insurance. The group of non-communicable diseases was the most (62,25%). The five disease chapters with the highest number of inpatient treatments respectively were Chapter XIX - Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (23,92%), Chapter IX - Diseases of the circulatory system (14,86%), Chapter XI - Diseases of the digestive system (14,58%), Chapter X - Diseases of the respiratory system (7,53%), Chapter XIV - Diseases of the genitourinary system (6,03%). Essential (primary) hypertension (I10) was the most commonly encountered (6,29%), followed by Other and unspecified injuries of head - S09 (5,82%), Senile cataract - H25 (3,88%), Gastritis and duodenitis - K29 (3,13%), Acute appendicitis - K35 (3,02%). There was a statistically significant difference in mortality: gradually increasing with age group; increase in the group with comorbidities and the group with non-communicable; the mortality rate of patients who were hospitalized from October to December was higher than other seasons. Conclusion: Inpatients treated at the Tra Vinh Provincial General Hospital were mainly older people with health insurance. The diseases treated were mainly non-communicable diseases with the most was Essential (primary) hypertension. Injury, poisoning have the highest proportion, followed by circulatory, digestive and respiratory diseases.

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