Ngọc Bình Thái , Ngọc Thắng Phạm , Hoài Nam Trần

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Compartment syndrome is a well-known surgical emergency almost in lower leg, resulting in vascular compromise, ischemia, and necrosis, amputation and die. This condition usually occurs following a traumatic incident. In special patient use anticoagulation. Case presentation: We report a case of a 57 - year old, male with acute compartment syndrome use Douplavin 75/100mg.  After sort tissue injury in lower left leg. The patient was diagnosed with acute compartment syndrome and fasciotomy promptly and release compartment, after emergency surgery and good intensive care and closely monitor developments, blood and platelet transfution. And closed incistion after two weeks. His symptoms improved and good function after undergoing fasciotomy at eight weeks. Conclusions: Atraumatic acute compartment syndrome is emergency surgery caused by many conditions. It is very dangerous in patient use anticoagulation. Identifying early diagnosid, emergency surgery and good intensive care and closely monitor developments are key save lives and restore function limb.

Article Details


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