Thị Ánh Mai , Ngọc Chiều Hà, Văn Giang Trần , Đức Hoàng Nguyễn, Kiều Anh Trần , Tuấn Anh Mai

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Objective: Description of the Oral Mucosal Lesions in HIV/AIDS Patients at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 261 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV/AIDS treated at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases in 2022-2023. Results: The results showed variation in the number of oral mucosal lesions in HIV/AIDS patients, from no lesions to three lesions. Types of oral mucosal lesions such as Candidiasis, Herpes Simplex, Hairy Leukoplakia, hyperpigmentation, Herpes Zoster, recurrent aphthous ulcers and HIV gingivitis have been recorded. The most common lesion is Candidiasis with 43 patients (16.5%). The study also recorded diverse types of Candidiasis, with the pseudomembranous accounting for the largest proportion (58.1%), followed by the erythematous (27.9%), and the hyperplastic (9.3%) and angular cheilitis (4.7%). The tongue and palate are the two most common sites of Candidiasis with rates of 56% and 24%, while the lips and corner are less common with rates of 4%. Conclusion: HIV-infected patients can have between 0-3 lesions, with various types of lesions, including Candidiasis and hyperpigmentation account for a high proportion. The most common type of Candidiasis is the pseudomembranous. The most common sites for Candidiasis are the tongue and the palate.

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