Thị Thanh Hà Phan , Thành Liêm Võ , Đạt Minh Trần

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Occupational burnout is a phenomenon of exhaustion at work, leading to ineffective work performance that often stems from stress over a long period of time. The consequences of burnout are not only a problem that directly affects the health and physical health of medical staff themselves, many studies have proven that burnout also affects patient care such as: errors in professional expertise - doctors with professional burnout are twice as likely to make errors as other doctors - increasing the rate of complaints and lawsuits from patients or reducing quality Patient care quality leads to reduced patient satisfaction, and more seriously, can lead to increased patient mortality. Research results showed that up to 66.1% of study participants felt subjective professional burnout. In terms of emotional exhaustion, 76% of medical staff were at a low level, 21.1% were at a medium level and only 2.9% were at a high level. The negative attitude dimension (self-doubt/biased feelings) had 34% low levels. 36.9% at moderate level and 29.1% at high level. The aspect of personal performance decreased for most employees at a high level of 49.8%, 25.5% at an average level and 24.7% at a low level.

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