Văn Tiển Nguyễn, Sơn Danh, Văn Dũng Ngô , Hữu Huy Nguyễn, Quốc Vĩ Trần

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Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of endovascular intervention to avoid splenectomy in blunt abdominal trauma. Methods: Description of a series of cases of spleen injury treated by endovascular intervention at Dong Nai General Hospital. Research results: 23 patients with splenic injury underwent angiography and transarterial embolization of splenic artery at Dong Nai General Hospital from September 2019 to December 2022. All 23 patients (100%) were treated successfully by endovascular intervention method, no bleeding was recorded on postoperative angiogram, no conversion to open surgery required. Early mortality was 4,3% (1 patient) due to severe concomitant traumas. Conclusion: This is an effective and feasible method that should be widely applied in regional hospital to ameliorate the prognostic of patients

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