Trần Huy Hùng1,, Ngô Chí Công1, Đinh Gia Khánh1
1 108 Military Central Hospital

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Background: Cervical spinal trauma is frequently trauma, has severe consequent. Upper cervical is flexible and has many effect to some lives-function. However, characteristics of upper cervical trauma are miserable, difficult diagnose and easy to lost injuries. Subject and methods: Studied design by cross-sectional descriptive, retrospective and prospective of 33 patients had diagnosed upper cervical trauma in Emergency Department - 108 Hospital, from April 2018 to April 2021. Results: Main cause is traffic accident (63.6%), male and labor-age is majority 84.8% and 34.2 ± 15.3, respectively. All patients has neck pain (100%), neck difficult motion is majority (87.8%). The most physical symptom of patients is dysesthesia, motion paralysis with percentage are 39.3% and 36.3%, respectively. Average VAS is 5.54 ± 1.6. The most type of injuries is C2 fractures (66.67%). Conclusion: Upper cervical trauma is majority in male, labor-age and main cause is traffic accident. The main clinical characteristics is neck pain, neck difficult motion and dysesthesia. The most type of injuries is C2 fractures.

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