Nam Khánh Đỗ , Thị Tuyết Lê

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Objective: The study aims to assess the nutritional status and demographic factors of preschool children in Hanoi. Research methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 14,720 preschool children in Hoan Kiem district, Hoang Mai district, and Dong Anh district in 2020. Results: Study on 14.720 preschool children showed that, the age group from 48-59.9 months accounted for nearly 42%, although in the preschool age group, the number of children over 60 months old still constituted approximately 20%. The total number of male children was more than 5.5% compared to female children (52.76 versus 47.24). When considering the Z-score for weight/height (for children under 5 years old) and BMI/age (for all children), the majority of children had a normal nutritional status. Overall, in all three districts, overweight children (1102 children, accounting for 7.5% of total children) outnumbered obese children (679 children, accounting for 4.6% of total children). The age group from 60 to 72 months had the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity, with rates of 16.0% and 12.5%, respectively. Children aged 48-59.9 months had a 1.62 times higher risk of overweight and obesity compared to children aged 24-35.9 months. Particularly, children over 60 months had a 5.95 times higher risk than children aged 2-3 years. Male children had a 1.69 times higher risk than female children (95% CI: 1.53-1.88). Children in Hoang Mai district had a 1.63 times higher risk, and children in Hoan Kiem district had a 2.09 times higher risk compared to children in Dong Anh district (p<0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight and obesity, as measured by BMI Z-score, in all 14,720 preschool children in Hanoi is relatively high (12.16%). The prevalence of overweight and obesity, as measured by weight/height Z-score, in 11,855 children under 60 months in Hanoi is 7.67%.

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