Thị Hà Nguyễn, Tấn Dũng Nguyễn

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Objective: To understand the demand for home care services and related factors among the elderly in Son Tra District, Da Nang in 2022. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in 293 healthy individuals aged 18 to 60 years, in Da Nang from January to May 2022. Results: Among the participants, 73.3% had a demand for home care services, while 26.7% did not. The highest types of demand included emergency transportation (63.1%), doctors visiting homes for emergency or medical consultation (62.7%), and regular health check-ups (59.7%). Additionally, there was a demand for connecting with doctors from clinics and higher-level hospitals through telemedicine systems for home visits, consultation, and treatment (50.4%). Nutritional advice and appropriate use of medication and functional foods were also in demand (50.0%). The lowest demands were counseling and referrals to hospitals, resorts, and nursing homes when needed (44.5%), physical therapy, rehabilitation, and assistive devices (43.2%), and psychological counseling (42.8%). The preferred healthcare service providers chosen by the study participants were district-level health centers (45.3%), local health stations (24.6%), and family doctors (18.6%). Female participants had a higher demand for understanding the usage of home care services. Conclusion: The demand for home care services among the elderly is quite high. Therefore, there is a need to invest in and develop a system of home healthcare services, especially to meet the highest demands such as doctors visiting homes for emergency or medical consultation.

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