Khongsavath Xaybouaphanh, Thị Tuyết Hạnh Trần , Đức Phúc Phạm

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Soil-transmitted helminth infections poses a significant public health concern, especially among children in various countries worldwide, including Laos. Objective: In 2022, a cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections among students in grades 4 and 5 at 13 primary schools in Xay District, Udomxay Province, Laos, in 2022. Methods: This study encompassed the collection and Kato-Katz analysis of 363 stool samples from students across 13 schools in the Bankhat and Namgan communes of Xay District. Results: The overall infection rate of soil-transmitted helminths among primary school students at the study site was 63.9%, which A. lumbricoides (roundworm) infection accounted for the highest rate at 53.7%, followed by T. trichiura (whipworm) at 27.0% and hookworm at 20.4%. The mono-infection rate was 34.4% and the multiple infection rate was 29.5%. Classification by level of severity revealed that the infection rates for roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm/maw at a moderate level were 49.2%, 52.0%, and 33.8%, respectively. Meanwhile, the rates of severe infection were 27.7% for roundworm, 9.2% for whipworm, and 21.6% for hookworm. Conclusion: the infection rate was high, thus it is important to maintain regular deworming activities every six months as recommended by the Laos Ministry of Health and carrying out health education and communication innitiatives aimed at students. These efforts are crucial in mitigating soil-transmitted helminth infections not only in the Xay District, but also in other districts within Udomxay Province.

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