Xuân Thắng Đỗ , Thị Quỳnh Mai Vũ , Trúc Tâm Ngô , Kim Chi Trịnh , Huy Ngọc Nguyễn

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Monitoring the implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) by regulatory agencies nationwide plays an important role in ensuring quality standards and providing good health care services for citizens. This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the implementation and reporting the issuance of Certificates of GPP for drug retailers by the Department of Health nationwide based on Circular 02/2018/TT-BYT. The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted based on data sources taken from three sources including the Pharmaceutical Business and Practice data management software (according to Official Dispatch 14028/QLD - KD), Electronic document management and administration system – Ministry of Health (according to Official Dispatch 8027/QLD – KD) and Electronic Information Portal of the Department of Health. The results showed that according to Official Dispatch 14028/QLD - KD, the number of drug retailers meeting GPP reported from 2020 - 2022 was 7033, 3989, 2012 retailers respectively. The Department of Health's reporting according to Official Dispatch 8027/QLD - KD was insufficient, of which 20 provinces/cities did not have data reporting on the issuance of GPP Certificates. The number of facilities meeting GPP in 2021 reported by the Departments of Health according to Official Dispatch 14028/QKD – KD had a big difference with the data reported according to Official Dispatch 8027/QLD – KD. All Departments of Health published inadequately information about facilities that met GPP on the Department's Electronic Information Portal for the 3 years 2020 - 2022. Futher strict solutions are needed to improve the situation of reporting GPP certificate in Vietnam.

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