Dương Tùng Anh Đinh , Ngọc Anh Hoàng, Thị Thanh Tâm Phạm , Hạnh Nhi Tiên

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Objectives: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of lobar pneumonia (LP) in children at the Respiratory Department - Hai Phong Children's Hospital and comment on the treatment results of the above cases. Subjects and methods: a retrospective study describing a series of cases using convenience sampling method. Results: LP was most common in children 2-5 years old with equal rates for both sexes. Common symptoms were: cough (91.8%), fever (90.2%) of which the majority are moderate fever (50.8%), tachypnea (78.7%), and pulmonary rales seen in 47, 6% of cases. 3/7 children with LP with high fever were hospitalized due to seizures. Neutrophilic leukocytosis was in 85.2% and CRP increased in 68.9% of cases. The most common bacteria causing LP were S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. All of LP cases had images of segmental or lobar consolidation lesions on chest CT. The majority of cases had damage to the right lung (72.1%), most commonly in the right upper lobe. The average inpatient treatment time was 10.6±3.14 days and all cases were cured, without any serious case requiring referral. Conclusion: LP lesions were the most common in the right lung and in the upper lobe. It is necessary to pay attention to screening for LP in children with seizures due to high fever.

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