Đỗ Viết Tuyến1,, Đào Xuân Tích2
1 Melinh General Hospital, Hanoi
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Aim: Lateral closed wedge (LCW) osteotomy is a commonly accepted method for the correction of the cubitus varus deformity. The fixation of osteotomy is required to prevent loss of correction achievedtill the union is achieved.. The fixation of the osteotomy by the twoscrew and figure of eight wire is commonly technique to maintain the peroperatively achieved correction. In this studythe fixation was supplemented byplaster. Materials and methods: Sixty three patients of the cubitus varus deformity following of the distal humeral fracture wereoperated by LCW (lateral condylar wedge) osteotomy during June 2016 to December 2019. The mean age of the patients at the time of corrective surgerywas 9,3±2,6 (range 6–15 years). The osteotomy was fixed by two screws with figure of eight tension band wire between them. Result: Examination far results in 52 patients (82,5%), the mean follow-up period was 44,8+ 11,1 monts (range, 21– 82 months). The far results were assessed as per Ipollito criteria. 33 patients  showed excellent results and 14 patients showed good results and 5patients showed poor results. Conclusion: We believe that the modified French method of treating cubitus varus deformity of the elbow is really simple and gives good treatment effect in both cosmetically and function.

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