Đặng Đình Đôn1,, Nguyễn Duy Toàn2, Hoàng Văn Quân2
1 Air Defence Air Force Medical Institute
2 Military Hospital 103

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Purposes: To elevate left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LVGLS) index and the relationship with several indexes on echocardiography 2D in patients with chronic coronary disease. Subjects and methods: Including 43 patients with chronic coronary disease diagnosed by angiography, then performed echocardiography, analysis results ofspeckle trackingechocardigraphy by QLAB version 9.0 software. Results: Mean of LVGLS is -15,69 ± 4,07%. With level of significant coronary stenosis (≥ 70%) is confirmed by angrography, cut-off  value of LVGLS is -17,95%, the sensitivity is 85,71%, the specificity is 54.55% (p < 0,05). LVGLS has the relationship with regional hypokinesis (p<0,05) and the inverse correlation with EF simpson biplane on echocardiography 2D (r=-0.46p < 0,05). Conclusions: Left ventricular global longitudinal strain on speckle tracking echocardigraphy reduce in patients with chronic coronary disease. Its cut-off value to prognosis significant coronary stenosis is -17,95%, it has the relationship with regional hypokinesis and the inverse correlation with ejection fraction simson biplane on echocardiography 2D.

Article Details


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