Minh Hải Vũ , Hoàng Tùng Trần

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Objective: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of nonsurgical treatment for pediatric traumatic brain injuries at Thai Binh general hospital. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was  conducted among 69 children under 16 years old suffed from traumatic brain injuries treated at Thai Binh General Hospital from January 2022 to January 2023. Results: 1-10 age group had highest incidence (81.1%). 69 pediatric patients included 48 males (69.56%), 2 times higher than 21 females (30.44%). Traffic accidents was the most common cause (49.27%), followed by falls (24.64%), violence and other causes such as heavy objects falling on the head or sports collisions accounted for the lower proportions. At the time of admission, the rate of mild traumatic brain injuries was (85.50%). CT scan showed: epidural hematoma accounted for the highest rate (40.58%), followed by subdural hematoma (18.84%), skull fracture (14.49%), subarachnoid hemorrhage (11.59%), brain contusion (5.80%), and the lowest was intraventricular hemorrhage (1.45%). The outcomes of treatment when discharged from the hospital demonstrated: 65.21% of the patients recovered completely and had no symptoms, 27.53% had nonsignificant disability; 5.79% had slight disability and 1.47% had moderate disability. Conclusion: Male children often suffer traumatic brain injuries, the most common cause is traffic accidents. Mild clinical manifestation accounts for the majority, so treatment outcomes are often good, with few sequelae.

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