Quốc Khánh Bạch , Thị Vân Nga Bùi , Hà Thanh Nguyễn, Đức Bình Vũ

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Background: Septicemia is a severe condition commonly seen in patients with blood diseases with immunodeficiency. Purpose: this study aimed to establish the model of bacteria and fungi caused septicemia in patients treated at the NIHBT. Patients and methods: 2731 bacteria and fungi identified in patients with blood diseases suspected of septicemia at NIHBT during period 12/2018-11/2021. Results: (1) Positive blood culture percentage is 9.3%; (2) Highest positive blood culture rate seen in patients with leukemia; (3) Gram negative bacteria is most common cause of septicemia (65.9%); Trong nhóm vi khuẩn Gram âm thì E.coli is the most common cause in Gram negative group (34.42%); (4) Gram positive bacteria caused septicemia in 24.8% patients and S.aureus is the most common cause in this group (48.13%); (5) Fungi caused septicemia in 9.3% cases and C.tropicalis is the most common cause (64.45%); (6) E.coli and K.pneumoniae is the most co-infection cause (50%).

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