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Objectives: To evaluate the cervical spondylosisand some related factors. Subjects and method: 60 volunteered patients ages from 30-75, which were diagnosed with cervical sondylosis, were getting treatment at National Hospital of Acupuncture from 2018August to 2019April; irrespective of occupation, gender. Generalizing the characterization of the patients, the pain score on the VAS scale, assess a number of factors related to pain, degree of range of motion limited cervical spine and affects daily functioning according to NPQ. Results: The age average is 50.5 ± 13.8 (years) with 38,3%patients had the duration of illness over 6 months. Pain is mainly gradual, dull, and intermittent. Moderate and severe pain made up to 93.3%.The disease is strongly associated with movement and climate change factors. It’s also a factor that limits cervical spine range with 94.3% limited to low and moderate levels, 90% have moderate and large influence on daily function with the average NPQ score was 19.4 ± 2.8 (points). Conclusion: Cervical spondylosis greatly affects the quality of work and life of patients. It were related to age, professional characteristics, movement and climate change factors.
Article Details
Pain, cervical spondylosis
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