Đình Thiện Chu, Thị Huệ Vũ, Đức Anh Hoàng, Thị Anh Đào Dương

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Aims: The study was conducted to analyze the effect of high-fat diet from lard on the glycemic index of laboratory mice. Methods: 8-week-old male mice were divided into 02 groups and underwent nutritional interventions for 66 days. One group ate high-fat diet from lard and the control group ate standard diet. Mice were monitored for weight every 2 days and tested for blood glucose at the end of the experiment with glucose tolerance test (GTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT). Results: The weight of mice fed high fat diet from lard increased significantly compared to the control group with p<0.001 (8.7g). The blood glucose level in normal status of mice fed high-fat diet was higher than that of the control group, however the difference was not statistically significant. Eating high-fat diet from lard caused glucose intolerance, the mices' glycemic tolerance was impaired by eating high-fat diets compared to the control group. Although mice that eat a lot of lard can start to disturb blood glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance remains stable. Conclusion: The results serve as a basis for future studies on evaluating the impact of high-fat diet from lard on the formation and progression of metabolic disorders such as overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes caused by high-fat diets of animal origin

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