Minh Phương Nguyễn, Khánh Nga Trần, Phạm Minh Thư Võ , Thị Kim Định Lê, Thị Ngọc Hường Lê, Thị Xuân Trinh Huỳnh, Ngọc Bích Trần, Huỳnh Bảo Trân Phạm

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Background: Focusing on building a working environment that makes employees feel happy will positively impact the level of employee work completion and bring optimal efficiency to the organization. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the cohesion and impact of cohesion on the level of job completion of employees at Can Tho Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital. (2) To analyze the relationship between satisfaction and the commitment of employees to the hospital. Research subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis of 410 officials and workers working at Can Tho Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital from May  to October 2023. Results: The engagement rate of employees with the hospital is 80.2%, including 392 employees chose to be very engaged, corresponding to 80.2%, 49 employees chose average cohesion, accounting for 12%, and 32 employees chose poor engagement, accounting for 7.8%. There is a relationship between satisfaction with the hospital and the level of engagement, and engagement has an impact on the level of job completion of employees - this difference is statistically significant with p<0.001. Conclusion: It is necessary to increase satisfaction of employees with rewards, on-duty arrangements, and building leadership image to increase employees engagement for the hospital

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