Lưu Đình Lập1,, Nguyễn Phương Hoa1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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An extremely important factor determining the success of tuberculosis (TB) prevention is that doctors have to adequate knowledge about TB. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study described some basic knowledge about tuberculosis among doctors at commune health stations in some northern provinces, in 2019-2020. There were 335 doctors working at CHS participating in the study. Information was collected using self-administered questionnaire. The results indicated that average age of heath staff was 40.3 ± 9.2. Knowledge about tuberculosis of doctors working at CHS was relatively high. Knowledge about disease classification, disease causes, and transmission routes had a high rate of correct answers, respectively: 99.7%, 97% and 97.3%. However, only 54.6% of doctors who answered correctly needed to take three sputum samples for diagnose TB. There was no difference in the level of TB knowledge by seniority, gender. The average number of correct answers (out of a total of 9 questions about the cause and diagnosis of TB) among groups of female and male doctors were 7.92 and 7.88; doctors aged 35-45 got 7.97 correct answers. The results showed that doctors at CHSs had a relatively high knowledge of the causes and diagnosis of TB, which is very important in the prevention of TB.

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