Thị Nga Nguyễn, Tuấn Anh Trương, Huy Hoàng Dương, Hữu Thông Trần

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Objective: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to improve pain management practices of nurses at Hai Duong Provincial General Hospital. Methods: A randomized controlled trial study was conducted on 47 nurses in each group (intervention  and control group). Results: After 1 month of intervention, the proportion of nurses with good practice in the intervention group increased statistically significantly from 29.8% to 74.5% (p=0.001). In contrast, the control group tended to decrease but was not statistically significant from 23.4% of nurses with good practice to 8.55% (p=0.092). The Chi Square test showed that after one month of intervention, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of good practice (χ2 = 42.11, p = 0.000). Conclusions: Education combined with a team of experts and a pain management manual has a significant positive impact on nursing pain management practice

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