Ngọc Tú Anh Nguyễn, Quảng Bắc Nguyễn, Thị Thu Hạnh Trần, Toàn Anh Ngô

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Objective: To evaluate effectiveness of abdominal wound infection treatment among C-section patients. Methods: This study is a randomized control trial among 45 patients who were indicated for C-section in Thanh Nhan Hospital. Results: Patients who had 3 symptoms such as swelling, pain and fluid discharge was 86.7%. Patients who received surgical wound cultures had positive results of 51.6%. Patients treated with combination antibiotics accounted for 93.3%. The proportion of patients treated without medical plasma was 73.3%, the proportion treated with medical plasma was 26.7%. There were 24 cases of medical treatment, no sutures accounted for 53.3%, and 21 cases of abdominal wall incisions were re-sutured, accounting for 46.7%. Conclusion: The majority of patients receive combined antibiotic therapy. In this group of patients, treatment with Medical plasma should be combined. There is still a relatively large percentage of abdominal wall incisions that need stitches.

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