Thị Thu Huyền Ngô, Cẩm Yến Nguyễn

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Objective: To find out some factors related to osteoporosis of patients ≥ 40 years old visiting the Institute of Nutrition in 2022. Method: Cross-sectional study to find out some factors related to osteoporosis of 117 people. Patients ≥ 40 years old come for examination at the Institute of Nutrition. Nutritional status was assessed according to body mass index (Body Mass Index - BMI), classified according to WHO, 1995. Bone password assessment according to WHO standards, 1994. Results: The rate of osteoporosis in women, 35.8%, is 3.5 times higher than in men, 13.6%, which is statistically significant. The rate of osteoporosis increases with age group, the age group over 60 years old has the highest rate of osteoporosis, accounting for 76.9%, the difference is statistically significant. People with a body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2 have a risk of osteoporosis 2,8 times higher than the rest. Conclusion: Osteoporosis rate is related to gender, age group, weight and BMI. It is necessary to strengthen health education and communication work to improve knowledge to prevent osteoporosis

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