Quang Nhựt Lê, Xuân Kiên Nguyễn, Quang Huy Dương

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Objectives: Determine the genotype prevalence of STAT6 rs703817 polymorphism, the relationship with some clinical and subclinical features, and the cancer risk in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional-related HCC patients were compared with 86 HBV-related cirrhotic patients and 195 control subjects at 108 Military Central Hospital, 103 Military Hospital, and Can Tho General Hospital from 7/2017 - 8/2020. Analysis of STAT6 rs703817 from peripheral blood samples of study subjects using the Sanger sequencing method at the Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy-Vietnam Military Medical University. Result: The frequency of G alleles in patients with HCC was lower (57.6%) compared to the combined frequency in the cirrhosis group and healthy individuals (69.2%), p < 0.05. The prevalence of genotype AA in patients with hepatocellular was 26.3%, higher than the corresponding rates in the cirrhosis group and healthy subjects (8.1% and 8.9%, respectively), p < 0.01. There was no association between the polymorphism of the STAT6 rs703817 and age, serum AFP levels, or certain tumor characteristics. Conclusions: STAT6 rs703817 AA genotype increases hepatocyte risk in HBsAg(+) patients, but not about serum AFP levels or other tumor features.

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