Thu Hiền Đỗ, Thị Ngọc Oanh Phạm, Mạnh Hùng Phạm, Mạnh Hùng Phạm

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Objective: To survey non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertensive patients managed at Duc Giang hospital. Subjects and methods: cross-sectional descriptive with analysis of 425 patients diagnosed with hypertension examined and treated as outpatients at the Hypertension Clinic - Medical Examination Department, Duc Giang General Hospital from December 2022 to August 2023, dividing patients into 2 groups: NAFLD group: Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver. Non-NAFLD group: Patients without non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Results: The rate of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the group of hypertensive patients managed at Duc Giang hospital is 55.76%. Of these, the rate of patients with grade I fatty liver is the highest at 70.46%, followed by grade II at 24.05%, and grade III accounts for a very small percentage at 5.49%. And the proportion of female patients is higher than male. Hypertensive patients who do not use blood lipid medication or use it for less than 3 months have a higher rate of fatty liver. When using blood ointment for more than 3 months, the rate of fatty liver is lower, only 5.91%. The proportion of patients with uncontrolled systolic blood pressure < 140mmHg in the group with fatty liver was 60, 76% higher than the group of patients without fatty liver. In patients with fatty liver, SBP, DBP, and BPTB were all significantly higher than in the group without fatty liver. In the fatty liver group, the average indexes of blood glucose, uric acid, ALT, GGT, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL-C, WBC were all significantly higher than the non-fatty liver group. Conclusion: Screening should be performed to detect non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, especially in hypertensive patients.

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