Ngọc Xuân Nhi Phạm, Thị Bay Nguyễn, Ngô Lê Minh Anh Nguyễn

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Objectives: To investigate the patterns of the traditional medicine in post-COVID-19 insomnia patients with or without comorbidities. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study interviewed 390 patients diagnosed with having insomnia post-COVID-19 at Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Hospital and Long An Traditional Medicine Hospital from 12/2022 to 06/2023. Results: Females accounted for a higher proportion than males. The average age was concentrated in middle age. The main professions were concentrated in the intellectual labor and retirement group. The most common traditional medicine patterns were deficiency of both the Heart and Spleen (31,28%), Heart-Kidney noninteraction (17,44%), Heart-blood deficiency (11,79%), Heart-yin deficiency (11,28%). The proportion of patients with comorbidities accounts for 2/3 of the total number of participants. The correlations was found between the patterns of traditional medicine in insomnia patients who experienced COVID-19 and factors of comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and dyslipidemia (p<0,05). Conclusion: The most common patterns of post-COVID-19 insomnia in traditional medicine were deficiency of both the Heart and Spleen, Heart-Kidney noninteraction, Heart-blood deficiency, Heart-yin deficiency. Post-COVID-19 has led to an increase in insomnia of both individuals with and without accompanying chronic diseases. There are correlations between the most common patterns of traditional medicine in patients with post-COVID-19 and those who underwent comorbidities

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