Vân An Phạm, Thu Hương Trần, Tuấn Quy Dư, Thiên Ân Vũ, Thị Lộc Nguyễn, Kim Dung Khương, Olson Linus, Larsson Mattias, Khánh Toàn Trần

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Background: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ARV) plays a significant role in HIV treatment. Adolescents living with HIV often encounter numerous challenges in adhering to ARV treatment. Objective: To describe the adherence status to ARV treatment among HIV patients aged 10-15 years in five hospitals during 2020-2021. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 618 HIV patients 10-15 years old on ARV treatment at five hospitals from May 2020 to October 2021. Data were collected through quarterly structured interviews and periodic medical record reviews. Adherence to ARV treatment was assessed, including taking the correct prescribed dosage, at the right times, with the full monthly dose, and attending scheduled follow-up visits. Results: The rate of patients attending scheduled rountine visits was 86.3%. All patients correctly followed the prescribed ARV dosage; 87.7% took the full monthly dose of medication, and 82.4% used ARV at the right times. Approximately 58.4% of patients experienced medication shortages during their rountine visits, with the majority missing 1-2 doses (46.8%). The overall adherence rate following MOH’s standard was 82.7%. The poor adherence was primarily due to late follow-up visits (64.8%), missed ARV doses (35.2%), and ARV medication shortages at routine visits (9.3%). Conclusion: The study revealed a high rate of poor adherence to ARV treatment among HIV patients aged 10-15 years (17.3%), primarily due to delayed follow-up visits. There is a need to strengthen support for timely follow-up visits and treatment adherence to maximize the effectiveness of ARV treatment in this patient group.

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