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Objectives: To investigate the risk factors for osteoporosis in men. Research subjects and methods: Case-control study on 400 men (200 cases and 200 controls) aged 50 years or older, average age (74.96±6.29), interviewed through questionnaires, exploited smoking history, history of alcohol drink, determined the level of physical activity; clinically examined, blood tested.  The study excludes patients with a history of medications and those with conditions that affect bone mass density (BMD). BMD value is determined by dual-energy X- ray adsorption measurement, at the L1-L4 vertebra, femoral neck and total hip. Results: The risk factors for osteoporosis in men are body mass index (BMI) <18.5 (OR = 4,08), history of fractures (OR = 3,77 ); no physical activity (OR= 22,78), Low physical activity (OR = 6,0) and medium physical activity (OR=4,72). Alcolhol drink history, smoking history physical activity do not increase the risk of osteoporosis in men. Conclusion: Our results indicate that risk factors of osteoporosis in men are related to interventional anthropometric index and lifestyle.

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