Xuân Kiên Nguyễn, Sinh Hiền Nguyễn, Hữu Lư Phạm , Minh Ngọc Nguyễn

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In the period from 1/2015 to 12/2020 with a total of 57 patients, who underwent bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement surgery at Hanoi Heart Hospital. The mean age was 68,65±8,54. The male/female ratio was approximately 1/2. All patients came to the hospital because of difficulty breathing, NYHA II and III rates account for 93%. The main heart rhythm was atrial fibrillation, accounting for 71.9%. 52.6% of patients received size 27 valve replacement and 26,3% of patients received size 29 valve replacement. Early mortality (death within 30 days after surgery) was 0%. Rate of valve degeneration was 2%. Late mortality was 8,1%.

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