Duy Hưng Nguyễn, Đức Quý Trần , Hoàng Hải Dương , Cảnh Đức Phạm , Thanh Sơn Đặng

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Background: The spleen is the most frequently ruptured organ in abdominal trauma. A ruptured spleen causes intra-abdominal bleeding. Without proper diagnosis and treatment for  this condition, it can lead to hemorrhage shock and even death. Objectives: To evaluate the results of nonoperative management (NOM) of blunt splenic by blunt abdominal injury at Thai Nguyen National Hospital. Methods: Prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out on 62 patients who were diagnosed with the splenic ruptureby blunt abdominal injury then got the nonoperative management (NOM) at Thai Nguyen National Hospital from January 1st, 2019 to June 30th 2023. Results: The average age was 31.18 ± 14.9 (4 – 66), age group from 16 to 55 was 79.1%. The sample size was 83.9 % male; the male/female ratio was 5/1. Stable responder with fluid challenge was 93.5%; transient responder was 6.5%. The success rate of NOM was 91.9%; 14 patients who had an angioembolization accounted for 24.6%. There were 5 cases of failure-NOM which accounted for 8.1%. Conclusion: The results of non-operative management of splenic rupture by blunt abdominal injury had a high success rate. However, it is necessary to ensure good resuscitation monitoring conditions and evaluate to rule out damage to other organs in the abdomen that require surgery.

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