Thành Đạt Bùi , Tú Hoa Bùi , Ngọc Sáng Nguyễn, Kim Thuận Bùi

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Objective: To describe the clinical epidemiological characteristics and complications of influenza type B at Haiphong Children's Hospital. Subjects: 885 children with influenza type B at Haiphong Children's Hospital from 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2023. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Results: The median age was 66.73 ± 20.88. Males were more common than females, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.55. The disease was scattered throughout the year, most abundantly from September to December. The main symptoms were fever 882/885 (99.7%), cough 529/885 (59.8%) and runny nose 281/885 (31.8%). Other symptoms such as sore throat, myalgia, vomiting, headache, and conjunctivitis were less common. Most patients had normal white blood cell count and serum CRP. The proportion of patients with complications was 371/885 (41.9%). The most common complications were pneumonia 193/885 (21.8%) and bronchitis 114/885 (12.9%). In addition, there were complications of otitis media 84/885 (9,5%), acute diarrhea 57/885 (6,4%), myocarditis 2/885 (0,2%) and encephalitis 1/885 (0,1%). Children who had not received influenza vaccination were 2.36 times more likely to get complications than children vaccinated. Children younger than 60 months were 3.53 times more likely to get complications than children 60 months and older. Conclusions: Influenza type B was scattered throughout the year, the main symptom was fever; the most common complications were pneumonia and bronchitis, there were also complications of otitis, acute diarrhea, acute myocarditis and encephalitis.

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