Thị Quyến Vũ , Thị DIệu Hằng Đinh , Đức Thuận Lê

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Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of patients before surgery at the Department of Gastroenterology, Hai Duong General Hospital in 2020. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with a convenient sampling method, sample size was 115 patients. Results: According to BMI, the majority of patients had BMI ≥ 18.5 (n=78; 67.8%) and 37 patients had BMI < 18.5 (equivalent to 32.2%) before digestive surgery. According to SGA assessment, 64.3% of patients had good nutritional status (SGA-A) and 35.7% of patients were malnourished (SGA-B, C). While 47.8% of the patients had an Albumin index within the normal range (Albumin ≥ 35g/l) and 52.2% of the patients had mild to severe malnutrition (Albumin < 35g/l). Conclusion: The study showed that the percentage of patients of digestive preoperative malnutrition according to BMI and SGA is similar, while the percentage of patients of digestive preoperative malnutrition according to albumin index is higher. Recommendations: All patients before gastrointestinal surgery should have their nutritional status assessed using the SGA tool to screen for the risk of malnutrition so that an early and effective nutritional intervention plan, to help the patient recover best care and treatment.

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