Minh Phương Nguyễn , Thiện Thắng Trần, Văn Thi Võ, Việt Hưng Phan , Thanh Thúy Trịnh , Ngọc Thùy Nguyễn , Thị Minh Hải Ninh , Hoàng Mỷ Lê

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Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a type of mental development disorder characterized by impaired social functioning and restricted or repetitive behaviors, causing personal, family, and social impact and loss. community resources, especially severe autism spectrum disorder. Early intervention in cases of severe autism spectrum disorder is necessary for individual children, families and communities, helping children integrate early and reduce the burden on families and society. Objective: evaluate the results of intervention for severe autism spectrum disorder in children aged 18-36 months at Ca Mau Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital. Materials and methods: Non-controlled intervention study using the PECS (Picture Exchane Communication System) method, also known as the visual education method, on 20 children 18-36 months old diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder according to the scale. CARS score (The Childhood Autism Rating Scale) at Ca Mau Obstetrics and Pediatricss Hospital. Results: Assessing the level of autism using the CARS scale and the child's adaptive capacity using the Vineland-II scale after 3 months and 6 months of intervention, all areas of the CARS scale had a decrease in average score and median score. The average of the indicators and the overall score of the Vineland-II scale both increased; Age group, gender and place of residence are related to results after intervention (p<0.05). Conclusion and suggestion: The proportion of children 18-36 months old diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder improved after intervention. The degree of improvement depends on a number of factors such as gender, age and place of residence. Children with severe autism spectrum disorders need timely intervention, requiring close coordination between family, school and medical staff.

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