Thị Hiếu Ngô , Hà Hoàng, Trường Giang Nguyễn

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Objective: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of patients with liver damage caused by tuberculosis drugs at Thai Nguyen Provincial Lung Hospital in 2022-2023. Identify some factors related to patients with liver damage caused by tuberculosis drugs. Subjects: Patients treated for tuberculosis with regimens A1 and B1 from October 2022 to October 2023. Methods: Description; Purposive convenience sampling. The sample size obtained was 40 patients. Processing data according to medical statistics. Results: Study subjects had an average age of 49.93± 16.5 years. Male patients account for 65.0% and female patients account for 35.0%; Of which 27 patients were treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, 13 patients were treated for extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Patients with liver damage caused by anti-TB drugs included signs of fatigue (n = 33), loss of appetite (n = 18), fever (n = 14), and rash (n = 10). Clinical manifestations of anorexia and fever are more common in patients with level 3 - 4 liver damage than level 1 - 2 and the difference between groups is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Some factors that affect the severity of drug-induced liver damage include advanced age, history of alcohol consumption and primary liver disease, the difference is not statistically significant with p > 0.05. Conclusion: Research on 40 patients treated for tuberculosis at Thai Nguyen Provincial Lung Hospital showed mainly liver damage of level 1-2, common clinical manifestations of liver damage of level 3-4, some factors. For example, age, thin body condition, history of alcohol consumption and primary liver disease have a higher risk of liver damage caused by anti-tuberculosis drugs.

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