Đặng Thành Công Lê, Quốc Nhật Đinh , Việt Phương Nguyễn , Xuân Khái Nguyễn , Xuân Cường Hoàng , Huy Hoàng Nguyễn

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Objectives: To describe epidemiological characteristics, and clinical characteristics and evaluate the results of treatment of DHF at Phu Quoc health center. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 777 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Dengue hemorrhagic fever treated at Phu Quoc health center from January to December 2023. Results: Regarding epidemiological characteristics: Men have a higher infection rate than women with a rate of 62.42%. The majority of patients are under 30 years old, with the majority being between 10 and 20 years old with a rate of 28.93%. Different communes and wards have different disease rates. Duong Dong town has the highest disease rate, accounting for 42.34%. Of the patients enrolled in the study, 9,43% had dengue with warning signs and 1,89% had severe dengue. Up to 51,57% of patients had a high fever above 390C, 69,18% of patients had signs of bleeding, and hepatomegaly was 1.26%, 1.89% of patients had Shock. many clinical symptoms were recorded such as headache (61%), nausea (34,59%), arthralgia (35,85%), fatigue (34,59%), and diarrhea (6,92%). Treatment results: the average treatment time was 5.28 ± 1.86 days; There weren't patients who returned to shock and 02 patients received blood transfusions during treatment. A total of 34 (4,4%) patients changed to more severe disease and referred to higher level. 743 (96.9%) patients were cured at the hospital. Conclusion: Men have a higher infection rate than women. The majority of patients are between 10 and 20 years old. Different communes and wards have different disease rates. There was a small rate had severe dengue. The clinical signs of the patients were quite diverse and the cure rate was high.

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