Viết Lộc Ngô , Văn Thịnh Nguyễn , Thị Kiều Khanh Nguyễn , Hữu Duân Nguyễn

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Background: Many studies on the situation of the elderly people have been conducted, but there were still a few studies on examination and treatment of their chronic diseases. Objectives: To describe the situation of chronic diseases in the elderly people at Sa Thay Medical District in KonTum Province and to find out some factors related to examination and treatment of their chronic diseases. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 460 elderly people at Sa Thay Medical District in KonTum Province. The c2 test with significance level a = 0.05 was used to find factors related to examination and treatment of their chronic diseases. Result: The prevalence of chronic diseases in the study subjects was 61.7%. Hospitals or medical centers are the places where the majority of subjects choose to have periodic chronic diseases examination (51.1%); 19.7% of the subjects did not have chronic diseases examination. The marital status and main income of the study subjects are related to the use of chronic medical examination and treatment services at relapse (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Based on the findings, it is necessary to take appropriate actions and measures to promote the role of the elderly; increase resources in health care for the elderly.

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