Hữu Thông Trần , Mạnh Cường Phạm , Tuấn Đạt Nguyễn , Quốc Chính Lương

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Purpose: Identify some factors predicting mortality in intraventricle hemorrhage (IVH) patients with acute ventricular dilatation. Design: Retrospective study. Methods: Study on 110 medical records of IVH patients with acute ventricular dilatation admitted to the Emergency Department from January 2015 to June 2018. Main findings: Of these patients (mean age 66; 66,7% men), previous hypertension was common disease (58.2%). Graeb score, intracranial pressure, and Glasgow coma score are independent factors predicting mortality in patients with intraventricular hemorrhage with acute ventricular dilatation. For every 1mmHg increase in intracranial pressure, the risk of death increases 1.9 times. For each increase in Graeb score, the risk of death increases 22 times. For each decrease in Glasgow coma score, the risk of death increases 2.5 times. Conclusion and recommendations: It is important to closely coordinate clinical, paraclinical and imaging diagnostics to provide appropriate treatment and determine the prognosis of mortality following intraventricular hemorrhage with acute ventricular dilation.

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