Hà Phương Nguyễn , Nguyễn Thế Nguyên Phùng , Châu Việt Đỗ

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Objectives: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy is essential for pediatric dengue hemorrhagic fever with organ involvement. This study investigates the indications for dialysis and the outcome of continuous dialysis in children with dengue hemorrhagic fever. Materials and methods: retrospectively describe the indications and outcomes of 40 children with severe dengue receiving continuous hemodialysis at the Intensive Care Unit - Anti-poisoning Department, Children's Hospital 1 and the Department of Infection, Children's Hospital 2 since January 1. January 2017 to December 31, 2021. Results: Indications for CRRT: 67,5% of pediatric patients indicated for CRRT due to acute kidney injury, 27,5% fluid overload and organ damage but no kidney damage, 2 cases (5,0%) were continuously dialysis due to acute liver failure, prolonged metabolic acidosis. Mortality rate: 50,0%. Result of CRRT: there was no difference between the epidemiological characteristics between the living and the dead groups. During the first 6 hours after dialysis, Glasgow did not improve in both survival and death groups. Glasgow score improved 24h after initiating dialysis in the living group, but did not improve in the death group 24 h after initiating dialysis. In the first 6 hours after dialysis, the PRISM score improved in both groups and the difference at this time between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0,05). However, at 24 h after initiation of dialysis, PRISM scores improved only in the surviving group. Most of the tests improved in the first 24 hours of dialysis with the exception of blood bilirubin and at 24 hours after continuous dialysis liver enzymes, NH3, blood lactate, pH and HCO3- blood between the two groups were significantly different between the two groups. millet (P<0,05). The group of surviving patients had a longer stay in the ICU than the group of dead patients and this difference was statistically significant (P<0,05). The minimum number of continuous dialysis sessions is 1 cycle of dialysis and at most 12 cycles. Conclusions: 67,5% of patients received CRRT due to kidney damage, 32,5% of patients received dialysis without kidney damage. Mortality rate was 50,0%. The PRISM III score improved after 24 h of dialysis in the living group compared with the death group. Blood lactate, HCO3- improved after 24 h of dialysis in the living group compared with the death group. The survival group had a longer stay in the ICU than the death group.

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