Thị Vân Anh Phạm , Thị Ngọc Trân Nguyễn , Thị Thanh Hoàng , Thị Cẩm Vân Nguyễn , Thị Hiền Nguyễn

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Objective: Describe the development and results of nursing care for pediatric patients under 5 years old with acute respiratory infection caused by syncytial virus at Vinmec Times City hospital in 2023. Subjects and methods: Prospective descriptive study received 143 pediatric patients from April 2023 to August 2023 at the Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. Results: In this study, the male/female ratio was 1.7/1. The main age group of pediatric patients was from 12 to under 36 months, 55.2%. The average age of pediatric patients was 22.6±13.4 (months). The average duration of hospital stay was 6.3±0.8 (days). Clinical symptoms on hospital admission were diverse, severe coughing (72.7%); wheezing (85.3%); difficulty breathing (81.8%); Respiratory failure accounts for a small rate of 16.1%. Most children have moderate, high and very high fever (75.5%); Reduced lung ventilation accounted for 81.8%, the lungs had many constricted rales, moist rales accounted for 94.4%; Paraclinical symptoms: 68.5% of cases had increased CRP; Increased white blood cells accounted for 52.4%, decreased platelets accounted for 3.5%; Treatment: 1.4% of children required mechanical ventilation and 51.0% of children received nebulization. The number of children using corticosteroids was 49.7%; antibiotics was 93.0%. Evaluation score of care for pediatric patients with acute respiratory infection caused by RSV is good at 75.5%, not good at 24.5%. Conclusion: Monitoring pediatric patients at the time of admission, day 3, day 5, and discharge: Most clinical and paraclinical symptoms improved significantly. Nursing care activities were mostly rated good with 75.5%.

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