Vũ Minh Hải1,, Dương Như Năm1, Vũ Minh Hải (1981)1
1 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: To evaluate surgical outcomes in traumatic penetrating brain injury injuries at Thai Binh General Hospital. Methods: A descriptive study was undertaken in 39 penetrating traumatic brain injury patients treated at Thai Binh General Hospital from January 2017 to June 2019. Results: 39 patients included 35 males (89, 7%) and 4 females (10.3%); The most common cause was traffic accidents (64.1%), followed by violence (17.9%). Mental status of patients on admission: GCS 8: (75.1%), GCS 9-12: (10.3%), GCS: 13-15 (84.6%).  Traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leak (7.7%), brain parenchyma seen at the wound (7.7%). Foreign bodies as soil, sand, hair accounted for 56.4% Intracranial hematoma accompanied by head injury was mainly epidural hematoma 69.2% Treatment outcomes: Good recovery rate achieved  66.7%, mild sequelae: 25.6%, severe sequelae and vegetative state: 5.1%. Conclusion: Considering penetrating traumatic brain injuries in peacetime, the common cause is traffic accidents. Men make up the majority. In treatment of traumatic penetrating brain injuries,  patients with associated intracranial hematoma should be paid attention to.

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