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Objective: Determine the histopathological types of cervical cancer according to the WHO - 2017 classification and compare with some clinical and X-ray characteristics. Subjects and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study, purposive sampling. Results: Among lung non-abnormalities, non-lung lung cancer accounts for the highest rate of 84%, followed by 14% non-lung lung cancer and rarely occurs G1 and G2 non-cancerous lung cancer. G3 non-cancerous and mixed types are not encountered. In which the age group most commonly found with G1 and G2 NSCLC is under 40 years old, NSCLC is commonly found in people over 60 years old (accounting for 56%). The most common symptom of NSCLC is chest pain (accounting for 80.9%), followed by cough (accounting for 65.5%), the least common symptom is coughing up blood (7.1%). Cough (85.7%). UBCV and NSCLC are common in the upper lobe of the right lung with rates of 31% and 35.7%, respectively. Tumor size in NSCLC and NSCLC is usually over 3cm (accounting for 66.7%) while G1 NSCLC is less than 3cm. Conclusion: Most lung cancers are poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (98%) and the most common are NSCLC (84%), rarely G1 and G2 NSCLC. No G3 and mixed type UTKNT encountered. Among the types of lung cancer, G1 and G2 lung cancer are common in young people <40 years old. NSCLC is common in patients over 60 years old (accounting for 56%). There is no clinical and radiological difference between NSCLC and NSCLC.
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