Đinh Việt Hùng1,
1 Military Hospital 103, Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objective: To study characteristics of attetion disorders, memory disorders and cognitive disorders in paranoid schizophrenia patients. Methods: Analysing attetion disorders, memory disorders and cognitive disorders in 82 paranoid schizophrenia patients who were treated in Psychiatry Department, 103 Military Hospital. Results: The highlights in attetion disorders in paranoid schizophrenia patients are moving attention disorder (63.41%) and focus attention disorder (40.24%). In memory disorders, visual memory and distant memory disorder are the most popular, accounted for 48.78% and 46.34% in sequence. The patient's executive function is markedly disturbed in abstract thinking (82.93%), problem solving (68.29%) Community reintegration in patients was also shown in aspects of cognitive dysfunction with a mean of 7.71±3.27% aspects of disorder. Conlusion: Attention, memory and cognitive disturbances in patients with paranoid schizophrenia are diverse and varied. This is the main cause of gradual loss of work capacity in patients with paranoid schizophrenia.

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