Trần Quang Tú1, Trần Công Duy Long2, Đỗ Thị Hồng Tươi1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City

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Background: In Viet Nam, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently the type of cancer leading in both incidence and mortality rates. Objectives: To determine the pathological characteristics and test results of HCC patients. Materials and methods: This prospective cross-sectional study recorded the pathological characteristics and test results of 220 HCC patients hospitalized for inpatient treatment at the Unit of Hepatobiliary cancer and Liver transplant – HBP surgery department, the University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh city from October 2020 to April 2021. Results: Male patients accounted for the majority, the incidence of HCC increased with age, with 39.4% male patients between 61-70 years old and 44.0% female patients over 70 years old. Most HCC patients were detected at stages A-B, in which women tend to detect HCC earlier (56.0% stage A) than men (51.2% stage B). The risk factors accounting for a high proportion were hepatitis (87.7%) (mainly hepatitis B accounting for 65.5%), and alcohol consumption (69.5%). The common tumor size was 3-5 cm (46.4%), tumors usually appear on the right liver (55.5%). The mean values of liver damage tests (GOT, GPT, GGT), and liver cancer markers (AFP, % AFP-L3, PIVKA-II) were all higher than normal values. However, there was still a certain percentage of patients with HCC but normal liver cancer markers. Conclusion: There is a division of HCC patients by sex, age, and disease stage. Hepatitis and alcohol are the two main risk factors for HCC. The test results reflect liver damage and some liver functions are affected, but some patients with HCC still have liver cancer markers that are normal.

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