Nguyễn Thị Nga1,, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn2, Nguyễn Thị Hồng1, Nông Thị Hồng Lê1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Early detection of ovarian malignancies is essential for prolonging survival beyond 5 years in ovarian cancer patients. Among the types of organic ovarian tumors, mucinous ovarian tumors represent a wide range of neoplastic disorders. Compared with other types of ovarian tumors, ovarian mucinous tumors have the most difference, accounting for about 20%, the type of tumor is easy to recur and potentially dangerous complications if not detected early, and The silent progression through stages causes mucinous tumors to change from benign to malignant without warning. Study subjects: were 240 patients undergoing surgery with pathological results as benign or malignant ovarian mucinous tumors, at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional study. Results: 74.6% of ovarian mucinous tumors were benign, in which benign mucinous cysts were 54.7%, 55.7% were mucinous carcinomas, the common age group 20-29 accounted for 24.6%, the age group > 40 has a high rate of malignancy of 32.8%. The rate of benign mucinous tumors in pregnant patients was 66.7%, the history of ovarian tumor surgery was 10.8%, the rate of malignant tumors in patients with recurrent ovarian tumors was 30.8%, with clinical symptoms. common abdominal pain 69.65%, menstrual irregularities 31.3%, abdominal enlargement 59.6%. The rate of ovarian mucinous tumor on one side 91.2%, mucinous tumor on both ovarian as a malignant rate of 48%, Tumor has non-motile nature, malignancy rate 48.3%, irregular density malignancy rate 81.0%, abnormal CA125 27.5%, Hbe4 12.1%, on ultrasound scan with low sound Homogeneous echo has a benign rate of 96.9%, mixed echo has a malignant rate of 63.0%. CA 125 with a cut-off point of 38UI/ml has a sensitivity of 60.0%, a specificity of 81.9%. Hbe4 cut-off value 68.45, sensitivity 36.7%, specificity 91.5%. Valuable in the prognosis of benign or malignant disease.

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