Đàm Thu Hiền1,, Phạm Thị Bích Đào1,2, Trần Văn Tâm2, Mai Thị Mai Phương1
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Partial laryngectomy accounts for 31.2% of all laryngeal cancer surgeries. The removal of part of the larynx will change the voice. We conducted the study "Evaluation of voice disorders in patients after partial laryngectomy" in a group of 30 patients submitted to partial laryngectomy at the National Hospital of Otorhinolaryngology. Their voices were analyzed before and after partial laryngectomy by the PRAAT acousticvoice analysis system. Results: Age: 45-65 years old: 63.33%, mean 60.16, male 100%. Reason for admission: hoarseness: 100%. Voice assessment before partial laryngectomy: Vowel pronunciation: neutral tone (Shimmer index 5.673, Jitter 2.005%, HNR 26.783), fundamental frequency: 128 ± 2.8; basicamplitude: 36 ± 2.1, basic field: 89± 3.7. Tone: Unsigned: F0, F0-30, F0-50, F0-60, grave accent: F0, F0-30, F0-50, F0-80, acute accent: F0- 60, F0-80, F0 + 70, question accent: F0 -F0-85, F0-90, F0-F0+30, fall accent: F0, F0-60, F0+40, F0+90, heavy accent: F0, F0-90, F0-120, F0-140. Voice assessment after partial laryngectomy: neutral tone (Shimmer index 5.874, Jitter 2.452, HNR 28.459; fundamental frequency: 98 ± 3.7; fundamental amplitude: 47 ± 4.3, fundamental field: 119 ± 5.6. Tone: Unsigned: F0, F0-50, F0-70, F0-80, grave accent: F0, F0-55, F0-76, F0-90,acute accent: F0-70, F0 -90, F0+60, question accent: F0, F0-95, F0-105, F0-120, F0-90, F0-80, F0+30, fall accent: F0, F0-70, F0+30, F0 +50, heavy accent: F0, F0 - 110, F0-130, F0-150.

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